Advertise on TV for less and get more ROI for your ad dollars!
Advertise on TV with remnant advertising! Call 888-449-2526 for a free price quote and media plan.
Advertise on TV for less. You can get the very best rates for Radio and TV advertising in any state in the USA. Cheap remnant TV and cable TV spot market rates for local and national advertising campaigns.
Advertise on TV for less. Remnant or “Standby” advertising can be scheduled nationally and locally based on remnant inventory or ad space available. Call this phone number to advertise on remnant TV, Radio and even print platforms – 888-449-2526.
What is Remnant or Cheap Advertising?
As an agency, we partner with the top remnant media buyers to access unsold inventory which is advertising space that has gone unsold – but made available to us at a sizeable discount off of their normal rate cards. We have decades of relationships with media who contact us with special rates as the dates get close to airtime or printing- we in turn pass those saving on to you!
Why Buy Remnant inventory?
Buying remnant advertising allows you to test your message on TV, radio etc. with a smaller investment and reduced risk. If you are running a campaign already – discount rates and lower cost per spot helps reduce your overall costs per ROI. For Direct Response or performance campaigns, we can improve results for less money and with smaller budgets.
Remnant TV advertising – Here is how it works:
On Terrestrial TV stations – since TV went digital – local market stations ended up with multiple channels added to their broadcast capabilities. Digital opened up at least 2 new channels per station. So the typical TV station suddenly has 2 or 3 times the ad inventory to sell advertisers. They need to sell that ad inventory to survive, and they are starved for good programming as Cable TV contracts with Networks exclusively serve their viewers. It’s a huge opportunity to buy ad space on TV and test campaigns, messages, etc. very cheap. So we partner with aggregators of that remnant inventory and buy bulk spot advertising for our clients dirt cheap.
On Local Cable TV the advertisers have access to hundreds of hours a day of available ad space as the local cable provider is given local advertising minutes on every one of those channels to sell to local advertisers. Imagine a local cable provider with 10 minutes of ad inventory – every hour on 100 channels. That’s equal to 1000 minutes they have available to sell every hour – every day. It’s a lot of ad space and their sales teams can’t possibly sell it all. So the local cable companies sell that inventory (remnants) to aggregators – cheap – and they in turn offer it to national advertising agencies like Ho Hum Media.