Year: 2015

Poisoned Pineal and Premature loss of Prehensile Passions

Recently in the news….PipelinePutrefaction and premature loss of prehensile pleasures and passions. Roundup chemical,  Glyphosate,  in combination with aluminum synergistically induced pineal gland pathology, which in turn was linked to gut dysbiosis (P3–PythonPipelinePutrefaction) and neurological disease. Dysbiosis: Looks like a job for Theralac PRO, TruFlora and Enzalase ……. neurological diseases,

Sugar: #1 Degenerative Disease Stimulant

#1 Degenerative Disease Stimulant, Gateway Drug, Inflammatory Agent the Universal ghost villain with multiple personality and developmental disorders Sugar supports prematurely degenerating bodies. Sugars are building blocks for carbohydrates not a youthful body, not a YouthfullNation. take a carbohydrate, a piece of stale bread, chew it and mix with saliva

How to save money and Advertise on shows like Sean Hannity, Sirius XM, iHeart and more – Rates and Media kits and 30+ Years of experience

New Media Advertising Tips and Advice: Talk Radio, Remnant TV and Print are killing it for most Direct Response advertisers. Mobile and Banner display and well as prerolls are producing great dividends for advertisers who must turn a decent ROI or MER. The best media buyer and ad agency we